Korn has posted "Falling Away From Me," the first single from its upcoming album "Issues," in a MP3 file on the band's Web site (www.korn.com), saying in the statement: "We want you to have the first single from Issues, 'Falling Away From Me' in an unprotected, no time-out MP3 file. The attorneys and the corporate establishment, who are so afraid of the Internet, said 'no way.'<...> Please listen to the single. If you like it, send this email it to at least 10 friends and music fans and ask each of them to do the same. <...> When you go to download the song, sign our guestbook. For each person who does this, Korn and ARTISTdirect.com will donate $.25 to Children of the Night and Childhelp USA, two organizations that do a great job keeping kids off the street".
Eric IDLE (1943)
Johnny DOWD (1948)
Michael BRECKER (1949)
Ирина КРУГ (1976)